My Christmas Miscarriage
We had driven 6 hours with 5 kids.
I was 11 weeks pregnant and knew I was miscarrying the pregnancy. Believe it or not, I'd had 5 other miscarriages.
But this one was super inconvenient, since we were getting together with my extended family for Christmas.
Playing games, hanging out. Eating good food. All seemed fine. I wasn't devastated by the miscarriage. I'd been there before.
Except the situation was “too heavy” and by the time Christmas morning rolled around, I was dizzy every time I stood up because I'd lost so much blood. We decided to drive to the hospital, a 1-hour drive ON CHRISTMAS DAY!
It was too much tension for one car ride. We had left our 4 oldest kids with my parents. On Christmas Day. One-year-old Jane was in her carseat behind us.
And my husband Heathcliffe and I began to bicker. And a 1 hour car ride with bickering – during a miscarriage, on Christmas Day – is just plain stupid.
By the time we arrived at the hospital, Jane was asleep so Heathcliffe stayed in the car with her. I walked alone into the emergency room. On Christmas Day.
As soon as I saw the doctor I said, “I'm having a miscarriage. I'm rH negative so I need a Rhogam shot.”
She replied, “Ma'am, how did you get here?”
Me: “My husband's in the car with our baby, who's asleep. I promise.”
She looked skeptical. She probably thought I was high. So she wasted an hour of my time ordering a test of my hormone levels – to make SURE I was pregnant.
I was.
Next, she ordered a test to make sure I was rH negative. And she finally, mercifully, gave me an IV. Which took the staff 45 minutes to stick because I was so dehydrated.
Another hour later the doctor came in to tell me, “Yes. You're rH negative.”
I got my shot, my husband and Jane came inside to hang out while I finished the IV, and then we were on our way back to my parents.
6 hours, wasted. On Christmas Day.
That day I opened my eyes, looked around, and realized EVERY SECOND IS SO STINKING PRECIOUS!!!!
Why had I wasted so much time? Why had I sacrificed so much of my happiness trying to be the “perfect mom”? What exactly was I “doing” with my life? Why wasn't I doing ANYTHING I was passionate about? What was I born to do?
These are the questions that spurred me on to create a time management system that helps me maximize every precious second so I'm doing more of the things I love. The things that move me closer to my vision and that help me live my true purpose.
And I'm sharing my proven formula tomorrow in a FREE Online Master Class called, “7 Easy Steps to Create More Time for the Things You Love (Without Feeling Guilty!)”
Ladies, you've got to be there.
Join me here: Yes, Jen, sign me up for the Free Class!
You can spend another holiday season doing the SAME. OLD. THINGS.
Or, you can wake up and learn the strategies that will help you make 2017 your BEST YEAR EVER.
You can wake up and start spending time on the things that bring you deep joy, the things that excite you, the things that recharge you. The things you were born to do.
And when you're using your talents and doing what your were born to do, you feel so much happier. You get your sparkle back!
AND – the best part – your kids will see how much happier you are.
Living your true purpose and maximizing the time spent on what's really important (rather than working endlessly on household tasks) is what life is about.
Join me to learn a proven system that will help you make this a reality.
Register for the free class here!
Change your life. Start living a purpose-filled life that you love.
Hope to see you in class!
– Jen
P.S. Grab your seat soon, they're going fast!

About jen
Jen Riday is a mom of 6 and life coach who loves to help women experience massive happiness as they let go of stress, sadness or other chronic emotions of negativity.

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