Mom’s 5-Day Sanity Saver Meditation Challenge: Day 1

In today's meditation you'll begin to get in touch with your authentic self – the best, most whole version of YOU. I'll show you why your worth doesn’t come from what you accomplish, but instead is related to the LOVE you experience and share.

I'll show you how to generate powerful feelings of LOVE and POSITIVITY and to return to those feelings (your authentic self) again and again, which will help you more easily be the mom you want to be.

Scroll down to enjoy this calming meditation.

When you finish, head over to the Vibrant Happy Women Facebook Group where I'll be sharing some great tips and tricks about authenticity, vulnerability, and truly loving and valuing yourself so you can better love others. 

And mark your calendar for this Thursday at 12 noon Central Time (1 pm Eastern, 10 am Pacific) for a Free LIVE Training: “5 Easy Ways to Find Greater Light and Meaning – Even if Life is Hard or Busy.” You don't need to sign up. Just show up in the Vibrant Happy Women Facebook Group on Thursday at the specified time.

(And be sure to check your email again tomorrow for the Day 2 meditation all about Becoming the Master of Your Time. If you ever feel pulled in 1000 different directions, then this meditation is for you!)

With much love,


Press the right-pointing arrow below to listen or the down-facing arrow to download the Day 1 Guided Meditation:

Remember, “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” ~C.G.Jung