
Slow down. Find balance. Live your best life.



what if you were easily able to...

...take time for yourself without feeling guilty...

...stay focused, stick to a plan and end each day feeling productive...

...have plenty of time, energy and motivation for exercise or date night with the hubs...

...have a solid sense of direction, vision and purpose for your life... your kids what it means to live a strong, joyful, vibrant life...


...deeply and completely love yourself, knowing you are absolutely GOOD ENOUGH just as you are.

But Life’s Full of Plot Twists, and Sometimes It Looks More Like This:

  • Relationships suck the life out of you—they never seem to get better, and anyway you’re too dang tired to try
  • That 18-page to-do list leaves you zero time to think
  • Past hurts and bitterness keep coming up (and it feels like you’re angry all the time)
  • Planning a “night with the girls” makes you feel indulgent and needy
  • You’re exhausted keeping all the plates spinning, trying to live up to everyone’s expectations
  • It scares you when people talk about “living your purpose”—I mean, what does that even mean? ????????‍♀️
  • You’re terrified to unlock your safeguarded heart, because there’s a tsunami of emotions just waiting to be released
And the result?

You keep yourself over-scheduled, overworked & exhausted,
instead of confident, happy, and fulfilled.

“If I keep busy enough, I won’t have time to think about how unhappy I am.”
I hear you, mama. You don’t know where to begin.

Therapy? More self help books?

But you’ve already tried that. You’ve got a stack of half-finished Brené Brown books, and while they’re full of useful information, it just doesn’t stick.

Or you get excited and start making changes, but very soon you’re right back where you started, saying things like....

“Tomorrow’s another day. I’ll start loving myself then.”

But even just thinking about what it would take to heal your heart and learn to love yourself—well, it sends you straight back into the merry-go-round of fear, “shoulds” and guilt. you end up doing nothing at all (again).
No wonder so many women simply continue to meet everyone else’s needs instead of figuring out how to take care of themselves first!

Most women are walking around exhausted

unhappy and full of disappointed hopes.

Going, going, going until there’s nothing left.

Wishing you could be proactive and start loving yourself from the inside out (yes, mom-dom and all!).

But what if there were an easy-to-follow system that’s doable and safe, with expert guidance you don’t have to travel across the country or pay thousands of dollars to get.

(Well there is, and I’ll get to that in a second.)


You already know what’s holding you back, don’t you?

  • A fear of unlocking the floodgates of emotion you’ve locked away for so long (scary, I know!)
  • An idea that you’re too busy and now is not the right time to work on yourself.
  • The belief that if you just ignore your past hurts, and rejections and feelings of “not good enough,” they’ll magically go away - or that they don't really affect you (when deep down, you know they do).
  • You start reading self help books but never really finish and certainly never take action.
  • A belief that you’d need YEARS of expensive therapy to solve your problems… and who has time for that?!

But you know what?

It’s not your Fault.

Society has fed us too many lies for too long.
Lies like:
  • "good moms" put their families first.
  • you'll find love and happiness through giving and serving (to depletion)
  • it's wrong to take time for yourself when everyone obviously needs you
  • you need to keep your house looking like the cover of Better Homes and Gardens
  • if you ignore your resentment and anger and hurts, they'll go away... (woah, this one is BIG!)
  • your marriage will get better if you just GIVE a little more to your spouse

Despite your fears, worries and busy-ness,

you know that healing your heart and learning to deeply love yourself would

change. the. game.

What life looks like when you’ve healed your heart and fallen in love with yourself:

  • You can finally be emotionally intimate with your spouse—whether it’s in the kitchen or in the bedroom
  • You show up for your kids as a patient, loving and accepting mom (the exact things you wished you’d had as a kid!).
  • You’re no longer reactive when life gets challenging...
  • You become your best, happiest, and most confident self (and so do your kids!)
  • Boundaries are your best friend—you’re a master in the art of saying “no” (so you can choose a more powerful “yes”)
  • Self-care? You’ve totally got that. You’re grounded, centered and secure in your ability to nurture yourself
  • Your kids see what self-love truly means

You are never too old, too busy or too damaged to love yourself. Pinky swear.



Here’s that that actually MEANS:

  • Gathering self-love tools for moments when you don’t feel like being kind to yourself
  • Knowing how to boost your mood FAST, even when it feels like the whole world is against you
  • Saying “no” to what drains you and “yes” to the things that energize you
  • Simultaneously healing the hearts of those around you
  • Letting go of “good mom syndrome” so you can be the mom you want to be - with confidence

If you want to heal your heart, you must make a choice.

You can keep doing the daily grind, pretending that someday you’ll get around to figuring out this whole “self love thing”...

(and you and I both know you can be SO MUCH HAPPIER in your relationships and life if you start healing your heart.)

...or you can start your journey to self-love right now. Today.

And you know what?

Even though you’ve been putting off taking better care of yourself, your decision to wait to start a journey of self love might just be will ABSOLUTELY be the best decision you ever made.

The journey of self love ain’t easy.


You need proven tools and strategies, a strong support network, and expert guidance of someone who’s BEEN THERE, so you can move out of fear and self-denial, and escape from the endless loop of “oh, life is fine. I’m fine.”

Some people are born lucky. They can totally rock the "healing your heart thing" right out the gate with little more than a few self help books (or at least it seems that way), but...


You could read every self love book in the library

and STILL struggle to love yourself.

It takes more than books.

It takes tools, expert guidance, and support.

Not only will it help ensure you quit stopping yourself, you’ll be able to shift things 100x faster.

“Hi, I’m Jen.”

I’ve been on the self love journey for a while now.

10 years ago, I hit rock bottom. I had been a stay-at-home mom for over a decade.

I was constantly GIVING and DOING and STRIVING to be perfect, to prove I was finally good enough...

It all started in high school. I was a farm girl, a go-getter, an achiever. I was very successful at almost everything I did, but my parents didn’t really believe in praise or thinking too highly of yourself, so I never really felt good enough.

So I just kept pushing and striving and achieving, becoming homecoming queen, a straight A student, a basketball star, getting a full-ride scholarship to college...

But they didn't really ever praise what I'd accomplished (they believed that would give me a "big head" so they just said nothing).

I just kept wishing they'd say, “Jen, you are amazing. You are doing such a great job!” But that never really happened, so I struggled with "not good enough" for YEARS.

I pushed on to earn a Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Studies. And I married a good man, but he also hadn’t experienced much love from his parents either....

Which meant that we both went into marriage with a focus on our own NEEDS and desire for love and approval...

...leading to GUT-WRENCHING FIGHTS that left both of our hearts ACHING.

Over time we had 6 kids (“good moms” have lots of kids, right?)

I decided to leave Academia and become a stay-at-home mom. I baked homemade bread, kept the house clean, made gourmet meals, threw elaborate birthday parties…

In short I gave EVERYTHING I had for my husband and kids and did almost nothing for myself until...

I hit rock bottom.

In December 2010 I suffered a miscarriage. We were on my parents’ farm - FAR from a hospital - so we had to drive 1 hour to the ER.


“What kind of monster fights with a woman having a miscarriage?” I thought.

After we were done at the ER, we drove back to my parents' house in silence. I was furious. FURIOUS that my life sucked and that I wasn't happy and that I had nothing fulfilling or meaningful.

That was the turning point.


self love...
  • I committed to taking care of myself - putting myself FIRST.
  • I brushed up on everything I had learned in grad school about attachment theory, self esteem, confidence, and more.
  • I went to hours of therapy.
  • I read hundreds of books on happiness and meditation and boundaries.
  • And most importantly, I spent hours in DEEP inner exploration, applying everything I learned, so I could HEAL MY HEART.
  • I learned SO MUCH about healthy emotions and healthy self image... and all of the tools and skills that have helped hundreds of thousands of women to take care of themselves, let go of resentment, and experience deep self love.

And for me, the RESULTS WERE


"Healing my heart not only made me a whole lot happier, but I also noticed my husband and kids changed, too. Working on ME and healing my heart truly healed my life and my relationships, too."

Now, you could go on the same journey, which took me over 7 years and thousands of hours of reading and research and experimentation, and probably learn just as much.

But the fact is, your life is flying by, and your heart is hurting and you’re exhausted.


And You WANT to be a better mom…

...a mom who SHOWS her kids exactly what it looks like to be HAPPY.

...a mom who stops the pattern of self-loathing and people pleasing and perfectionism and guilt and who shows her kids --especially her daughters-- that life is meant to be JOYOUS and FULFILLING (rather than a struggle)


Women are like the sun. When we shift, everyone around us shifts in response.

That means when we heal our own hearts, we simultaneously heal the hearts of those around us

As an experienced mom of 6 who has healed her marriage, who is happier than ever before, and who has a tribe of thousands of followers who are now experiencing a similar transformation on their own journey of self love, I want to give you an easier way.

All you need is a foolproof system that walks you step by step through a proven process of healing your heart and building self love.

...a system that includes all the tools, strategies and formulas you need to learn to love yourself so you can HAVE CLOSER RELATIONSHIPS, have more CONFIDENCE, and experience genuine HAPPINESS and PEACE.

...without the risk.

It’s not that hard to build self love, as long as you have guidance and support…


changes for the better
  • Starting a journey of self love gives you the perfect way to uplevel your life, engage in massive growth, and develop deep inner confidence.
  • When you love yourself, you wake up excited to face the day - you’ll literally jump out of bed with enthusiasm because life feels EASY and REWARDING.
  • You’ll be so much more patient as a mom.
  • Your relationship with your spouse will shift in ways you never could have imagined (seriously, this energetic shift is still blowing my mind and it’s been over 8 years now).
  • There’s nothing better than being able to look in the mirror and think, “WOW. I’m a PHENOMENAL human being and I love myself!”

What would it mean if at the end of 2020 you could look inside and feel deep love and acceptance for yourself and have more confidence, peace and happiness - AND enjoy closer relationships?

Guess what?

The ONLY thing that stands between you and the rewarding relationships, happiness and confidence that come with HEALING YOUR HEART and LOVING YOURSELF is a PROVEN, step-by-step system that will help you LET GO of emotional baggage, TRANSFORM your thinking, BUILD healthy boundaries, and STRENGTHEN your relationships - all from the convenience of home.


  • Identify your values, priorities, talents and gifts.
  • Let go of past emotional hurts and baggage so you can experience the joy and lightness of forgiveness.
  • Not waste a penny or a minute going to HOURS or YEARS of therapy where you spend time rehashing the past instead of fixing the heart of the problem and moving forward with a crystal clear vision of what you WANT for your life.
  • Discover dozens of tools, strategies and methods experts use to help people build self love fast - without the 20K+ price tag.
  • Identify exactly how to communicate with your spouse and kids in a way that helps them to respect your boundaries.
  • Create a solid self-care routine that you can actually STICK WITH.
  • Know how to shift your mood FAST when life gets hard or when you’re just having a bad day.
  • Identify exactly how to improve your body image so you no longer loathe how you look.
  • Develop a deep reverence for WHO you are and the gifts God/The Universe gave you.
  • Seamlessly balance taking care of you and taking care of your family in a way that feels free, fulfilling and amazing (and without guilt that you’re not spending enough time with your spouse and kids!)


You won’t waste a minute of your time or a penny of your money doing things that won’t get you closer to your goal of healing your heart and loving yourself more deeply.

You’ll be SO MUCH FREAKING HAPPIER and your relationships will be SO MUCH CLOSER.



Are you ready avoid the “gotta-take-care-of-everyone-else-but-never-myself” trap most women fall into and finally discover the self-love system I’ve used to heal my heart, to heal my marriage and to become WAY more patient, confident and happy?

Welcome to Heal Your Heart, The Complete Program for Healing Your Heart and Increasing Self Love So You Can Enjoy Greater Happiness, Increased Confidence, and Closer Relationships!

I’ll walk you step by step through all the pieces I’ve used to heal my heart and build deep self love.

What’s the result? 20 CORE LESSONS and 20 SMALL GROUP COACHING SESSIONS and a beautiful collection of trainings and swipe files that guide you step by step to home plate.

It’s everything you need to heal your heart and build deep self love...

…so you can experience better relationships, more confidence and deeper happiness.

Heal Your Heart


  • Takes you step-by-step through all the sticky details involved in letting go of past emotional hurts (where many women get lost and throw in the towel).
  • Gives you a quick and easy path to build a solid self love routine that you'll STICK WITH.
  • Includes research-based knowledge about how to establish solid boundaries that actually work!
  • Has easy steps to help you manage your emotions and mood so you can stay grounded and centered in your day-to-day interactions.
  • Includes guidance from a MOM with a Ph.D., who is also a certified self love coach, and who has made the self love journey herself - with massive success.
Here's how it all breaks down...

The Content

Throughout 2020 you'll receive 20 jam-packed lesson guiding you through the research, skills, and tools related to tons of self-love topics, including:

  • Changing your mood
  • Mirror work
  • Self talk
  • Manifesting
  • Self care routines
  • Inner child work
  • Self-discovery of gifts and talents
  • Boundaries
  • Listening to Intuition
  • Letting go of “good mom” syndrome
  • Using meditation to change your behavioral patterns
  • Emotional detox and forgiveness work
  • Building a solid self love morning/evening practice
  • And much more!


You’ll also get to do some DEEP WORK through a weekly, intimate small-group coaching session with Dr. Jen and up to 15 other members of the Heal Your Heart Program. These will happen on Wednesdays and Thursdays at your choice of time (day or evening).

Small group coaching is a POWERFUL way to build self love fast because talking and exploring within a group of likeminded women - with the guidance of an experienced coach - will help you identify your limiting beliefs and emotional blocks so you can let them go and start training your brain to follow new behavioral patterns.

AND you’ll form THE MOST AMAZING FRIENDSHIPS with other heart-centered women who'll have your back for life!

And I want to make sure you feel supported every step of the way, so you’ll have lifetime access to the Heal Your Heart program!





(Value $997)

Let’s face it… your self love journey won’t always be easy. It takes focus, and breaking through limiting beliefs and fear...

All the other members of Heal Your Heart will be there to support you in our exclusive members-only Facebook Group.

Ask questions. Brainstorm. Share ideas. Get through discouragement - all with the help of your new fellow self love travelers and new best friends!

You’ll have lifetime access to this exclusive Facebook Group.



(Value $997)

You’re going to have lots of questions along the way, and I have answers. Every week until the end of 2020 I’ll offer a live video Q&A "office hours" session so you can chat with me face to face about ANYTHING you want to know related to healing your heart and building self love.

This is an INVALUABLE resource and will help you move forward at lightning speed -- without getting stuck -- so you can have a healthy self image, stronger relationships, and lots of self love at the end of 2020 with an experienced self love coach at your side.



(Value $997)

As much as I’d like to squeeze EVERY aspect of self love into the weekly and monthly lessons, there are some things that you’ll be ready for AFTER you’ve walked through the Foundation material, like the “Self Love Online Summit” featuring presentations from dozens of self love experts. You'll also find TONS of guided meditations, worksheets, printables, and templates on a number of self-love related topics -- and lots, lots more!


When you enroll

during this limited-time promotional period, you’ll get:


The FULL Heal Your Heart Program: Exclusive access to 20 lessons of heart-centered video trainings and worksheets plus 20 Small Group Coaching Sessions ... Value - $3,494


The private Heal Your Heart Facebook Group: Build powerful friendships with a community of like-minded women on the same self love journey who will inspire you, uplift you and support you - and probably be your friends for life! Value - $997


Live Weekly Q&A Sessions With Dr. Jen: Ask any question and I’ll give you an answer. This is like having a personal self love coach at your beck and call for an entire year! The videos provide you the opportunity to chat face-to-face so I can hear exactly what you’re struggling with and give you a clear solution. Every week. You’ll never be stuck because I’ll be right there at your side. Value - $997


The Bonus Content Library: There’s so much great stuff I want to share with you, but I want to keep things simple, so I’ll be putting lots of EXTRAS here in the bonus content library. Once you finish the Foundation material, you can dive into “The Self Love Online Summit” or any of the many guided meditations, templates, printables, and bonus trainings I’ll be giving you, and so much more! Value - $997


With everything combined,
that’s a total value of


And that doesn’t even include all the other surprises and bonuses I’ll be dropping throughout the program.

BUT, I’m not selling this to you at that price. Instead, because I’m super excited for you to heal your heart and develop deep self love so that you can be more confident, be a better mom, and have a happier marriage...

I’m giving you the opportunity to enroll in

Heal Your Heart

at the special price of just…

Pay Monthly

12 payments of


Pay Upfront

Single payment of


(save $147)

Secure Checkout
You can trust us

If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please contact us.
Asset 1@2x


If you’re not sure…

Or other online programs have left you skeptical…

Then I’m giving you a risk-free opportunity to try Heal Your Heart.

If you aren’t satisfied for any reason, then you can receive a full refund any time within 2 months.

But, you DO have to attend at least 3 small group sessions and complete at least 3 worksheets to get your refund.


Heal Your Heart is for the women committed to IMPLEMENTING what they learn. It’s not for those who want to observe without taking action.

We’re strict about this - you must do the work and give it a shot before asking for a refund.

I’m helping to hold you accountable to ensure you’ll take this seriously and take action so you can have the transformation and self love success you WANT.

Colleen Healy

“Heal Your Heart has been was so wonderful. I have better energy and sit taller and that’s what I need.


It’s internal work, but it’s the external group and support and reminders that is priceless and invaluable. When I read about HYH and what Jen was offering, I had no clue about the relationships and how I wouldn’t just heal my heart, but it would be a collective healing of hearts.”

“Through Heal Your Heart I have found my TRIBE.”

Mutale B.
Danielle Mendoza

“I’ve changed so much since last year.


It’s just a world of difference with what’s going on inside my head and my heart. I’m feeling the way I want to feel more and more. Changing that inner dialogue has been the biggest thing. Before it was really easy for me to get to the place where I felt worthless. I just don’t feel that way anymore. Now I kind of laugh at myself because I feel borderline arrogant because I think, ‘I’m freaking amazing!’”

“I love my Heal Your Heart small group.


It is hard to make friends in your 40s and sometimes it feels like I am the only one with kids that do XYZ, or a husband that isn't the most supportive. It is comforting to know I am not alone. Jen is a WEALTH of information. She challenges us, supports us, and is FUN!!! I feel lighter, not so burdened by my stuff.”

Catherine C.

“I made the snap decision to join because I felt overwhelmed with life and work and I've learned I need to come back to...


addressing myself again and again as life tries to take me away. The most important thing is I realize I am important and I have found a tribe. It’s been a huge anchor for me. Everything Dr. Jen has taught us has been really valuable.”

“Jen Riday has a way of challenging me in ways unfamiliar to me but exciting!


I look forward to our group heal your heart calls.”

Kathy B.

“Last year I was married to my job with no boundaries whatsoever, told everybody yes, people pleaser...


my life has 360 changed from January until now. It’s amazing. My heart is so happy now… I’m so grateful. I don’t talk down to myself anymore. I speak affirmingly to myself. I wouldn’t have been able to do that without Dr. Jen's tools and lessons and without the other Heal Your Heart women.”


How do I know if Heal Your Heart is right for me?

If you can answer YES to any of the following statements, you’re the PERFECT person for Heal Your Heart:

  • You're burned out and exhausted.
  • You catch yourself with a stream of negative self talk running through your head regularly.
  • You want to improve your marriage and your relationships with your kids and other loved ones.
  • You struggle to boost your mood sometimes.
  • You're tired of carrying resentment and negativity from people or situations that hurt you in the past.
  • You want to be a confidence ROCKSTAR!
  • You want to get your "sparkle" back and be your most vibrant, happy and successful self.

If any of these are true for you, then...

I want to reward you for daring to dream about loving yourself, building deep confidence and self worth and healing your relationships.

You can get started RIGHT NOW
by choosing the plan that works best for you:

Pay Monthly

12 payments of


Pay Upfront

Single payment of


(save $147)

Secure Checkout
You can trust us

If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please contact us.
I'm so excited to help you make 2020 your year of self love and healing your heart so you can leave a legacy of healing and love for your kids and the generations of women who will come after you.
- Dr. Jen