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17: Embracing Life as an Undocumented Immigrant (with Kenia Calderon)

By Jen Riday | July 11, 2016

Kenia Calderon was born in Santa Ana, El Salvador, and migrated to Iowa with her parents when she was 11…


Happy Bit: Get Your Hands Dirty

By Jen Riday | July 8, 2016

When you were a kid, you would play in sand boxes, or make mud pies or playdough. Was it not…


Top 10 Inspirational Books for Summer 2016

By Jen Riday | July 7, 2016

Summer is flying by, which means it's time to enjoy some inspirational books for summer! My guests on the Vibrant Happy Women…


16: Trusting in the Sacred Pace of Life (with Jaime Myers)

By Jen Riday | July 7, 2016

Are you seeking clarity, peace, and personal growth in life? Jaime Myers shares the lessons she has learned about following…


Happy Bit: Putting Creativity Before Your To-Do LIst

By Jen Riday | July 5, 2016

Do you love painting? How about gardening? Playing music, sewing, cooking or dancing? Do they bring you joy? If it…


15: Lessons on Clarity and Creativity While Living With Chronic Disease (with Sarah Dobson)

By Jen Riday | July 4, 2016

The upbeat and community-minded Sarah Dobson is making a difference in the world and enjoying clarity and creativity in life, even though…


Happy Bit: Time Tracking 101

By Jen Riday | July 1, 2016

How many waking hours do you really have in one week? Have you done your most important tasks for the…


14: Love What Makes You Special (with Lori Jones)

By Jen Riday | June 29, 2016

Several years ago Lori Jones was devastated to learn her soon-to-be-born baby had a severe heart defect. Listen to hear…


Happy Bit: Adore Your Body

By Jen Riday | June 28, 2016

How many times have we looked at the mirror and felt disgusted, shame, or even loathing? It is time to…


Grab a FREE Boundaries Booster

True happiness begins with strong boundaries - around your time, your energy, and all other aspects of your life. If your tendency to give all of yourself is holding you back from pursuing your big dreams, my Boundaries Boost is just what you need.

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