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42: Creating an Alcohol-free Life You Love (with Kate Bee)

By Jen Riday | December 26, 2016

Kate Bee grew up in a home that relied on alcohol as a coping mechanism for stress and a means…


Happy Bit: That Which We Focus On Increases

By Jen Riday | December 20, 2016

“Oh I am crazy busy. I am so stressed. I can barely handle it. I just wished my kids would…


41: Reclaiming Your Power: Talking About Pain and Grief (with Shawna Percy)

By Jen Riday | December 19, 2016

Shawna Percy shares 2 stories of pain and grief that initially led her to be silent and hold the pain…


Happy Bit: Feel It to Heal It

By Jen Riday | December 13, 2016

Are you hurt? Do you feel pain? Normally, we tend to try to numb the pain. Say, you have a fight…


40: How Deep Listening Can Help You Find Your Calling (with Laura Thompson Brady)

By Jen Riday | December 12, 2016

Laura Thompson Brady was happy to be a stay-at-home mom for her 2 kids, but after a time she realized…


My Christmas Miscarriage

By Jen Riday | December 7, 2016

We had driven 6 hours with 5 kids. I was 11 weeks pregnant and knew I was miscarrying the pregnancy.…


Happy Bit: Light It Up!

By Jen Riday | December 6, 2016

There is just something about light that makes us feel happy or lighter. It is amazing how we focus on…


39: Easy Organizing for Your Lifestyle (with Jane Stoller)

By Jen Riday | December 5, 2016

Jane Stoller hit a low point in life after a move and changing jobs and relationships. She asked herself, “What…


The Mom's Guide to Creating More Free Time During the Holidays

By Jen Riday | December 1, 2016

Right now you’re probably thinking about the gifts you need to buy, the cookies you need to bake, and that…


Grab a FREE Boundaries Booster

True happiness begins with strong boundaries - around your time, your energy, and all other aspects of your life. If your tendency to give all of yourself is holding you back from pursuing your big dreams, my Boundaries Boost is just what you need.

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