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Happy Bit: Waking Up on YOUR Terms

By Jen Riday | January 24, 2017

A great challenge for everyone is to wake up on your own terms. Everyone should try and do that so…


46: Lace Up Your Warrior Boots and Be Your Authentic Self (with Emily Cummins)

By Jen Riday | January 23, 2017

Emily Cummins had to learn to let go of perfectionism and start being vulnerable and authentic so she could be…


Happy Bit: What Are Your Top 4 Priorities?

By Jen Riday | January 17, 2017

Have you ever thought of a lot of things that you want to prioritize and end up doing nothing because a…


45: “I Can Choose to Be Happy” (with Ruth Soukup)

By Jen Riday | January 16, 2017

After going through years of severe depression Ruth Soukup made her way back to a place of light and hope.…


Happy Bit: Mountain Moments

By Jen Riday | January 10, 2017

A mountain moment feels so good just to connect with yourself, and then you can take that positive energy that…


44: How to Get On (and Stay On!) the Wheel of Wellness (with Cassie Piasecki)

By Jen Riday | January 9, 2017

Have you ever ended the day by realizing everything you ate that day was all junk food?! Cassie Piasecki had…


Happy Bit: When the Low Times Are a Good Thing…

By Jen Riday | January 2, 2017

When things are not good, it does not mean it is not always good. In contrast, as you experienced these types…


43: “My Fuel Tank Requires People”: Filling Up Your Own Heart By Filling Another's (with Katie Dilse)

By Jen Riday | January 1, 2017

In this episode Katie Dilse shares her story of living in one of the most isolated areas of the United…


Happy Bit: A Happier Alternative to New Year's Resolutions

By Jen Riday | December 27, 2016

New Year's Resolution! This is what everyone thinks about. Making new resolutions. Honestly? How many resolutions have you stick with?…


Grab a FREE Boundaries Booster

True happiness begins with strong boundaries - around your time, your energy, and all other aspects of your life. If your tendency to give all of yourself is holding you back from pursuing your big dreams, my Boundaries Boost is just what you need.

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