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51: Choosing to Be Fierce, Tenacious and Unstoppable (with Carol Egan)

By Jen Riday | February 27, 2017

Carol Egan felt a bit broken when they took her newborn baby away to be placed in foster care many…


Happy Bit: How Mindful Living Makes You Happier

By Jen Riday | February 23, 2017

About This Happy Bit: Learn the connection between the 5 senses, focus, cortisol and happiness. This is science, people. And…


50: Join the Kindness Challenge (with Shaunti Feldhahn)

By Jen Riday | February 20, 2017

We often think of ourselves as kind, but to TRULY develop kindness you need to learn (and do!) these 3…


Happy Bit: Take 2 Ibuprofen and Call Me in the Morning

By Jen Riday | February 16, 2017

About This Happy Bit: I share the story of my daughter Cora's hurt foot and what the doctor recommended and…


49: “I Have Cancer But Cancer Doesn't Have Me” (with Sophie Sabbage)

By Jen Riday | February 13, 2017

Sophie Sabbage shares her story of receiving a terminal cancer diagnosis, working through the grief and then making the choice…


Happy Bit: One Tip to Slow Down Time

By Jen Riday | February 9, 2017

About This Happy Bit: Ever felt like time is moving too fast? Do this ONE thing to make time slow…


48: Reawakening Sex and Intimacy Through Self Care, Trust & Listening (with Kimberly Johnson)

By Jen Riday | February 6, 2017

Kimberly Johnson shares her story of suffering a significant birth trauma that took years to heal and how she discovered…


Happy Bit: 3 Tips to Increase Patience

By Jen Riday | February 2, 2017

About This Happy Bit: We all want more of it and none of us has quite enough of it… We're…


47: How to Slow Down and Take Care of Yourself So You Can Be a Happier Mom (with Anna Seewald)

By Jen Riday | January 30, 2017

Anna Seewald was forced to grow up quickly when a devastating earthquake killed her mother and destroyed her home town…


Grab a FREE Boundaries Booster

True happiness begins with strong boundaries - around your time, your energy, and all other aspects of your life. If your tendency to give all of yourself is holding you back from pursuing your big dreams, my Boundaries Boost is just what you need.

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