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78: Teaching Kids the Value of Work (with PJ Jonas)

By Jen Riday | September 4, 2017

PJ Jonas is a business owner, goat-wrangler, entrepreneur, and mother. After getting goats to provide healthy milk for her eight…


Happy Bit: How to Be Authentic (And Help Other Women Do the Same)

By Jen Riday | August 31, 2017

Did you ever stop to consider that authentic living requires listening to your intuition? Learn the best way to tap…


77: How to Blossom Even When Life Is Hard (with Niyc Pidgeon)

By Jen Riday | August 28, 2017

Several years ago Niyc Pidgeon found herself drowning in negativity and fear after being raped. With the encouragement of a…


Happy Bit: What To Do When You Wake Up On the Wrong Side of the Bed

By Jen Riday | August 24, 2017

Have you ever woken up exhausted, grumpy or unready to face the day? In this Happy Bit I give you…


76: Living Fully Alive (with Mary Hyatt)

By Jen Riday | August 21, 2017

Mary Hyatt was drowning in unhappiness after marrying very young and having no idea who she was; after years of…


Happy Bit: A Parenting Mantra to Create Happier Kids (and a Happier Mama!)

By Jen Riday | August 17, 2017

Parents and kids seem to do a lifelong dance – at least for the first 18 years – between control…


75: Small & Steady Steps Are Where the Magic Happens (with Anne Bogel)

By Jen Riday | August 14, 2017

Rather than always seeking the “grand gesture” or the next “big thing,” Anne Bogel, blogger at Modern Mrs. Darcy and…


Happy Bit: Vision Journaling

By Jen Riday | August 10, 2017

Journaling can be a powerful way to see the big picture of your life, to notice the trajectory you're on…


74: Health and Fat Loss for Women (with Dr. Beth Westie)

By Jen Riday | August 6, 2017

Women's and men's bodies are not the same. We try to assume men and women can lose fat int he…


Grab a FREE Boundaries Booster

True happiness begins with strong boundaries - around your time, your energy, and all other aspects of your life. If your tendency to give all of yourself is holding you back from pursuing your big dreams, my Boundaries Boost is just what you need.

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