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Happy Bit: Why Gratitude is as Important as a Multivitamin

By Jen Riday | November 1, 2018

About This Happy Bit: New research is showing gratitude has a powerful effect not only on our mood, but on…


136: Using Self Acceptance & Gratitude to Heal Past Hurts (with Nichole Crawford)

By Jen Riday | October 29, 2018

About this Episode: Hurtful, traumatic experiences happen to all of us, and sometimes can end up dominating our thoughts and…


Happy Bit: Why I Like the Idea of Joining a Commune

By Jen Riday | October 25, 2018

About This Happy Bit: Sometimes the “shoulds” of life and society press too hard on my psyche and make me…


135: Celebrating Your Child’s Neurodiversity (with Debbie Reber)

By Jen Riday | October 22, 2018

About This Episode: Many parents try so hard to get their children to behave and to fit in, but often…


Happy Bit: What's Your Story?

By Jen Riday | October 18, 2018

About This Happy Bit: What's the story that you tell yourself each day? Are you dwelling on the positives or…


134: The Power of Being Who You Are (with Shazia Imam)

By Jen Riday | October 15, 2018

About This Episode: Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you realize you’re not doing what you…


Happy Bit: Creating a High-Vibe Family

By Jen Riday | October 11, 2018

About This Happy Bit: The energy you experienced in your home growing up is probably the same energy you’re passing…


133: Force vs. Being in the Flow State of Mind (with Carolin Hauser-Carson)

By Jen Riday | October 7, 2018

About This Episode: Do you ever find yourself working faster and faster and harder and harder trying to get what…


Happy Bit: When Depression Hits

By Jen Riday | October 4, 2018

About This Happy Bit: Being a vibrant, happy woman doesn’t mean you’re always happy – but it does mean having…


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