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Happy Bit: Meeting Your Own Love and Approval Needs

By Jen Riday | February 7, 2019

About This Happy Bit: From birth, each of us craves love and approval, which we often seek from outside of…


150: Less Perfection, More Authenticity (with Sara-Jean Gilbert)

By Jen Riday | February 4, 2019

About This Episode: Sometimes we tend to approach life as if we’re on a stage, performing in ways that bring…


Happy Bit: Sparks and Flames

By Jen Riday | January 31, 2019

About This Happy Bit: Do you notice the sparks of opportunity in your life that – if you attend to…


149: Discovering the Magic of Your Most Authentic Self (with Sarah Jenks)

By Jen Riday | January 28, 2019

About This Episode: How do you come back to your soul’s directions instead of listening to society, family or your…


Happy Bit: Advice from Cora (Age 5)

By Jen Riday | January 24, 2019

About This Happy Bit: What advice does a 5-year-old have for busy, overwhelmed moms and women? Three things. Learn More…


148: Nurturing Curiosity (with Sara Bates)

By Jen Riday | January 21, 2019

About This Episode: Perfectionism and the “shoulds” can really cramp our happiness because they prevent us from doing things simply…


Happy Bit: Hormonal Happenings

By Jen Riday | January 17, 2019

About This Happy Bit: Hormones can be a topic we try to avoid… because well… HORMONES. But there's 1 hormone…


147: Hormones in Harmony (with Deborah Maragopolous)

By Jen Riday | January 14, 2019

About This Episode: Our hormones are behind the scenes, every day, orchestrating the dance that is our health, mood and…


Happy Bit: The Reverence Experiment

By Jen Riday | January 10, 2019

About This Happy Bit: We've all heard of mindfulness, but what happens when we take it to the next level…


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