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155: Progress, Not Perfection (with Monica Packer)

By Jen Riday | March 11, 2019

About This Episode: Perfectionism can plague all of us at times, as we sometimes struggle with the normal human condition…


Happy Bit: What Are You Passionate About?

By Jen Riday | March 7, 2019

About This Happy Bit: Have you forgotten what you LOVE to do? The Busy-ness of life can certainly make it…


154: Women Helping Women Rise (with Layla Kasha)

By Jen Riday | March 4, 2019

About This Episode: Many say that men keep women down; but sometimes it’s women who keep women down. By the…


Happy Bit: What Happened in Florida Stays in Florida (kind of…)

By Jen Riday | February 28, 2019

About This Happy Bit: What happens when you bring over 40 vibrant, happy women together in one place? Get the…


153: Choosing Happiness (with Jane Gable)

By Jen Riday | February 25, 2019

About This Episode: I met Jane Gable, a spunky, beautiful older woman, at the resort where we held the Vibrant…


Happy Bit: How to Be a Best Friend

By Jen Riday | February 21, 2019

About This Happy Bit: We all want to HAVE best friends, but what does it look like to BE a…


152: From Hopeless to Happy (with Kitt Rothstein)

By Jen Riday | February 18, 2019

About This Episode: Sometimes we feel so stuck in a rut or a downward spiral, that we feel like there’s…


Happy Bit: My Thoughts on Sex

By Jen Riday | February 14, 2019

About This Happy Bit: Ever wish people would speak more openly about sex so you could figure out how things…


151: Sex and the Brain (with Jane Ransom)

By Jen Riday | February 11, 2019

About This Episode: Sex can bring up feelings of shame for some women, but it doesn’t have to be that…


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