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164: Dance Like Nobody's Watching (with Gina Villares & Mercedes Zetino)

By Jen Riday | May 13, 2019

About This Episode: Are you ready for a pick me up? This vibrant, happy interview of two friends will motivate…


Happy Bit: How Tapping Has Helped Me

By Jen Riday | May 9, 2019

About This Happy Bit: Car maintenance is important, and you need special tools to keep your car functioning at peak…


163: EFT Tapping For Health, Wealth & Happiness (with Heather Ambler)

By Jen Riday | May 6, 2019

About This Episode: Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping has become a more prevalent form of therapy in recent years. It…


Happy Bit: Why May is An Extra Special Month

By Jen Riday | May 2, 2019

About This Happy Bit: Spring Cleaning for our homes can be easy, but what about for our minds? May is…


162: Come Home to a Space That's Welcoming (with Jennifer Burnham)

By Jen Riday | April 29, 2019

About This Episode: Most days life is hectic. There are many responsibilities and demands on your time and energy. Everyone…


Happy Bit: When Someone Else's Values Don't Match Yours

By Jen Riday | April 25, 2019

About This Happy Bit: It can be so frustrating when others are acting in ways that are in direct conflict…


161: “Honey, You Need to Find Yourself” (with Donna Simkin)

By Jen Riday | April 22, 2019

About This Episode: Have you ever felt like you are meant for more? That there’s more to your life that…


Happy Bit: What Are You Committed To?

By Jen Riday | April 18, 2019

About This Happy Bit: What do you want in life? Without commitment, it's nearly impossible to get there. But when…


160: Millionaire Success Secrets (with Ann Marie Sabath)

By Jen Riday | April 15, 2019

About This Episode: Do you ever wonder how successful people get to where they are? What’s their secret? Ann Marie…


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