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Happy Bit: 100% Responsible

By Jen Riday | October 17, 2019

About This Happy Bit: Often, when we marry and have kids, we abdicate some of our responsibilities, such as meeting…


186: Becoming the Captain of Your Own Ship (with Molly Goodhart)

By Jen Riday | October 14, 2019

About This Episode: Experiencing stressors is par for the course in life. No one is immune. Loss of employment, death,…


Happy Bit: Connecting to a Higher Intelligence Through Your Morning Ritual

By Jen Riday | October 10, 2019

About This Happy Bit: Most of us would love to have more intuitive communication from and with a Higher Intelligence.…


185: How to Uplevel Your Energy (with Rajshree Patel)

By Jen Riday | October 7, 2019

About This Episode: Would you agree that your energy level largely determines your productivity, your mood, and your motivation? When…


Happy Bit: How to Choose a New Identity

By Jen Riday | October 3, 2019

About This Happy Bit: Are you BEING the type of person you want to be, at the identity level? Learn…


184: Identity and Motherhood (with Sarah Dobson)

By Jen Riday | September 30, 2019

About This Episode: How do you define your identity? Is it through various life experiences? Hardships and struggles? Successes and…


Happy Bit: How Feminine Energy is Changing My Family

By Jen Riday | September 26, 2019

About This Happy Bit: Growing up in a farm family focused on efficiency and hard work, I spent most of…


183: Understanding Men (with Marni Battista)

By Jen Riday | September 23, 2019

About This Episode: Understanding the opposite sex is an age old struggle. This episode will help you shift your thinking…


Happy Bit: 1 Minute a Day

By Jen Riday | September 19, 2019

About This Happy Bit: There's a simple little tool that will decrease anxiety, depression and stress, increase the gray matter…


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True happiness begins with strong boundaries - around your time, your energy, and all other aspects of your life. If your tendency to give all of yourself is holding you back from pursuing your big dreams, my Boundaries Boost is just what you need.

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