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191: Thriving Despite Anxiety (with Amber Fife)

By Jen Riday | November 18, 2019

About This Episode: Guest Amber Fife shares her secret for finding balance and calm despite ongoing struggles with anxiety. Hint:…


Happy Bit: Health, The Final Frontier

By Jen Riday | November 14, 2019

About This Happy Bit: Intuitive health is empowering. Not only do you get to OWN the decisions you make about…


190: An Intuitive Approach to Health (with Gillian Goerzen)

By Jen Riday | November 11, 2019

About This Episode: We are constantly bombarded by images on TV, magazines, and social media showing us what a “healthy…


Happy Bit: Living Out of the Box

By Jen Riday | November 7, 2019

About This Happy Bit: Many of us believe in Right and Wrong and Truth (each with a capital letter). But…


189: Intuitive Beauty and Health (with Nadine Artemis)

By Jen Riday | November 4, 2019

When it comes to body and health, out of the box thinking is how Nadine Artemis has built a successful company. In this episode, she shares many unique and non-mainstream tips on how to care for your body and skin as well as her stories of resilience as she built Living Libations.


Happy Bit: Everyday Self Compassion

By Jen Riday | October 31, 2019

About This Happy Bit: Self compassion, or loving connected presence (a phrase coined by Dr. Kristin Neff, is a powerful…


188: Self Compassion for Adults & Teens (with Dominique Sullivan)

By Jen Riday | October 28, 2019

About This Episode: Anxiety and loneliness are at an all-time high in our society, each correlated with increased cell phone…


Happy Bit: Say YES to Your Vision

By Jen Riday | October 24, 2019

About This Happy Bit: Do you know what you REALLY want in life? If time and money were no object,…


187: Say YES to YOU (with Becky Bixel)

By Jen Riday | October 21, 2019

About This Episode: Do you find yourself saying no too easily? Do you often make excuses as to why it…


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