91: Empowering Tools to Shift Your Emotions and Energy (Jill Payne)
Do you ever find yourself saying you’re tired, emotional, or depressed? Or do you ever find it difficult to stick with an exercise routine or to feel motivated? Jill Payne, the “spiritual athlete,” says happy, motivated living starts with managing your energy. In this episode, Jill shares 3 easy strategies to help you achieve a level-10 energy, which Jill calls “being a freaking dime.” Jill’s powerful tools will help you boost your mood so you can live in a more beautiful state of mind every day.
Nuggets of Wisdom from Jill:
“If the door doesn’t open, it’s just not your door. It’s the idea of really applying our energy in the places that feel good, where things are really moving forward and happening. If we spend so much time trying to force open doors that are closed, we’re wasting our energy. And it doesn’t feel good. There is a door that’s open for you. Just look around. It’s there.”
“My whole thing is about energy management. It’s the idea that when you have high energy, you naturally feel good. I start off talking about the two states of energy that we live in. Either the beautiful state or the suffering state. The beautiful state is creative, inspiring, joyful, energetic, engaged in what you are doing – all of those things. Versus the suffering state, which is anxiety, fear, worry, depression, sadness, anger. So the way I see it is that suffering is at a zero and beautiful state is at a ten. We’ve got an energy scale. The innovative thing about my approach is I feel those beautiful states require physical energy. Very rarely do you see someone who’s happy and joyful, inspired and creative and exhausted all the time. They have the energetic capacity to handle everything that’s happening and that allows them to feel those emotions, versus where my physical energy starts to get low, then that’s where I’m more apt to feel anxious and overwhelmed because I physically don’t have the energetic capacity to handle what’s happening. Instead of trying to manage my emotions all day, how do I get joyful? How do I manage my physical energy? Because when my physical energy is up, I naturally feel those good emotions. Physical energy is something we can actually cultivate and grow in the body.”
“Being a ten is a DIME. We want to be a dime. I’ve created these 3 principles that allow you to create and cultivate physical energy. So those three things are:
1. What you’re doing with your body.
2. What you’re choosing to focus on.
3. And the dialogue that you’re using with yourself.
So the acronym there is BFD or Be a Freaking Dime.”
Some of Jill's Favorite Things:
Favorite Easy Meal: “Charred cabbage: coconut oil in pan, chop up cabbage, brown it… add salt and nutritional yeast. Add to salad or side dish.”
Favorite Book: “Ask And It Is Given by Abraham Hicks.”
What does it mean to be a Vibrant Happy Woman?:
“Being a FREAKING DIME. Prioritizing my energy over everything else. Follow the energy. Nothing is as important as my mood. When my mood is up, I know I can handle everything.”
A Challenge from Jill:
Spend the next 24 hours focusing 100% on your energy.
Links From This Episode:
- SpiritualAthlete.life
- Get a free workbook from Jill at jill@spiritualathlete.life
- Sign up for Jen's free “how-to-start-a-business” workshop: “How to Easily Create a Heart-Centered, Profitable Online Business You Love”
- Jen's Swiss Fondue Recipes
- Vibrant Happy 5 (get five self-love tips every Thursday!)
- Have questions you'd like Jen to answer on the show? Email her at support@jenriday.com
- Follow Jen Riday on Instagram
- Amy Cuddy Ted Talk
- Jen on Facebook
- Jill on Instagram
- Ask And It Is Given by Abraham Hicks
- How to Leave a Review
- In 2018 Jen will be leading a small group of women on a heart-healing journey of self-love. Email Jen at support@jenriday.com to learn more.
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About jen
Jen Riday is a mom of 6 and life coach who loves to help women experience massive happiness as they let go of stress, sadness or other chronic emotions of negativity.

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