43: “My Fuel Tank Requires People”: Filling Up Your Own Heart By Filling Another’s (with Katie Dilse)
In this episode Katie Dilse shares her story of living in one of the most isolated areas of the United States, causing Katie to struggle with loneliness. To fix that, Katie decided to start filling her own heart by filling others' hearts through friendship. This high-energy mom will also inspire you with her stories of raising 4 boys on the farm.
Katie Dilse is feisty and spontaneous and loves to laugh. She is a business owner, wife of nearly 20 years, mother of four boys, farmer, and Big Rig driver. Katie inspires audiences around the nation with her heart-to-heart presentations focused on making the most of balancing the demands of work, the tugs on personal life, and community obligations. Katie was listed as one of the Top 40 under 40 business leaders in the Midwest. Katie lives in North Dakota with her husband Stewart and 4 boys.
Nuggets of Wisdom from Katie:
“I am good enough because I am the daughter of a King.”
“I learned to lean on my brothers and sisters and that we are each other, we are there for each other and that God will not abandon us. We felt abandoned that God took mom but that is not all that it was – God actually replaced her love through a deeper love for us to be united to Him. And to realize that mom was a blessing to us on earth but there is so much that she can do from heaven for all of us.”
“I very much struggle with loneliness because my fuel tank requires people. I need stimulation and interaction. And when you live where I do, you have to learn to seek that. So, once I became self aware enough to recognize that my heart needs to be filled with people and filled with interaction and I need new stimulation, I found ways to fuel that without feeling like I am a bad person because I required that. I struggled with that for a long time where now, it is like, ‘No way, that is what juices me!'”
“I do things to just randomly stay connected with people often… And that is fueling me, but I get to fuel their hearts too.”
“That is how the ball rolls, that is really how I have learned to grow and improve by having enough self awareness inside.”
“Whether you are in a small town like me or a big city, make sure your middle circle ties into what is the most important to you in your life. Whether that is the relationship with your family or maybe it is that relationship with you and your God and how much you love Him and if that can be in the circle in the middle, and all the other circles are coming together, that is what makes a happy, vibrant, beautiful woman. ”
Some of Katie‘s Favorite Things:
Personal habit: “I need to exercise every morning. It is super important for my mental game to get up and get moving. My other favorite personal habit is my nightly prayer. I need rest, I need my ritual of quiet time.”
Easy meal: “I love noodles and marinara sauce.”
Possession: Pampered Chef chopper.
Katie's Favorite Books: Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
Best advice received: “Someone gave me the advice: ‘Those 20 minutes before the kids get home on the bus, I want you to make sure that you take time to sit down and really adjust your mind into becoming a mom.' So that when they come home, I can just completely embrace them instead of being halfway into supper or into something I am doing… into the computer or switching laundry. I try to be there. I try to be right at the front entrance, greeting them with a hug and really sitting down to visit with them, to hear what has happened with their day.”
Katie's Happiness Formula:
“I am happiest when I allow others into my heart, and I surround myself with good people, and I listen to God.”
A Challenge from Katie:
“I would love if all of you took a little bit of time to make eye contact with a stranger, and make that stranger's day with your smile or with just one little compliment that you can give them. Because it will really, really make them feel loved. And if we feel more loved, when we live love and when we live with the conviction that we are a daughter of a King, we will live so happy, so vibrant and so full of zest.”
Facebook: @KatieDilseSpeaks
Pinterest: @SpeakingofFun
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About jen
Jen Riday is a mom of 6 and life coach who loves to help women experience massive happiness as they let go of stress, sadness or other chronic emotions of negativity.

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