107: A Vibrant Life Begins at Home with Courtney Donnelly
Have you ever wondered how to boost the positive energy in your home? In this episode, Courtney Donnelly shares how she has built a vibrant life and home by focusing on love, building a village of like-minded friends, and manifesting her dreams. Listen to learn 5 quick and easy tips you can try today to boost the energy in your home fast.
What You'll Learn in this Episode:
- How to let go of resentment and judgment and instead “come from love” in your relationships.
- Five easy “high-vibe” decorating tips for your home.
- How to use the Law of Attraction to build a village of like-minded friends.
Nuggets of Wisdom from Courtney:
“From now on let every action, every reaction, every thought, and every emotion be based on love. Increase your self-love until the entire dream of your life is transformed from fear and drama to love and joy.” – Don Miguel Ruiz.
“Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.” – Benjamin Franklin
“Figure out how you can grow. Release fear and judgment and really try to forgive. Really own who you are. Let go of trying to control everyone else.”
“Be who you want to attract. The only way to truly manifest is when you’re doing it and there’s no fear attached to it. I want to do this and I let it go. I let it go to the universe. Those are the things that become a reality.”
What does it mean to be a Vibrant Happy Woman?
“Love + Having Your Tribe or Village + Spirituality. “There’s a higher power and story. I just need to be open to let them guide me and push me in the right direction.”
A Challenge from Courtney:
- Hang chandelier crystals in your windows to add rainbows to your home.
- Build a meditation/manifestation altar and including things that are important to you, such as vision book pages, singing bowl, sage, crystals, and family pictures.
- Incorporate vintage pieces into your home. Use pieces that have meaning and a story behind them.
- Create a raise-the-vibe playlist of all your favorite songs with happy beat and happy words.
- Pull nature in, such as orchids, succulents, natural wood pieces, a salt lamp, mineral stone crystals, a bird feeder outside window.
“Try to implement one of the five tips that I shared with you. Or at the very least, conquer one thing that’s been sitting around and really bothering you about your house. Just start, even if it’s just one cabinet in a day. Go through and get rid of things that don’t serve you anymore. Bring in some flowers or whatever that is. Do one thing to change your home environment this week.”
30 Minute Revitalize Your Room Mini Makeover:
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- Follow Courtney @VibrantHome on Instagram and comment on any image by saying, “Hey, I heard you on Vibrant Happy Women!”
- Follow Vibrant Home on Facebook and comment on any post.
- Go to vibranthome.net and send Courtney an email.
Links From This Episode:
- www.vibranthome.net
- Follow Jen Riday on Instagram
- Follow Courtney on Instagram
- Jen on Facebook
- Courtney on Facebook
- Year of Miracles by Marianne Williamson
- There is More to Life Than This by Theresa Caputo
- Everyday Positive Thinking by Louise Hay
- Marianne Williamson’s A Year of Miracles
- Breathe Mama, Breathe (5 minute mantras for the busy moms)
- Marriage Fitness
- The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman)
- Carol Egan
- Vibrant Happy 5 (get five self-love tips every Thursday!)
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About jen
Jen Riday is a mom of 6 and life coach who loves to help women experience massive happiness as they let go of stress, sadness or other chronic emotions of negativity.

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