102: How Personal Integrity (Aligning Thought, Action, and Desired Result) Leads to a Magical Life with Lauren Zander
We all have dreams for our lives, but often get stuck where we are, never moving any closer to our dreams. But what happens when you let go of your disempowering stories and live in true alignment? In this episode Lauren Zander, founder of the Handel method, shares exactly how to achieve success through designing your life in a way that aligns thoughts and actions with your desired result – AND continually keeping your promise to yourself to stay in that alignment.
Nuggets of Wisdom from Lauren:
“Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear. That really resonates with me because every time I’ve made a big life change, I feel like I’m closer to living the life that I want.”
“I always like to talk about some of the smaller ‘risks' that you can take, and prove to yourself that something good happens when you take a little risk. People say high risk, high reward – Low risk, low reward. So you can’t get to that side of, ‘WOW, High reward, this is really the life that I want to live!' without taking some risks, putting yourself out there and being vulnerable and understanding. What helps me is trusting that I am going to be able to handle it if it doesn’t go right. Think about the worst case scenario and think you can probably live through it. It’s gonna be ok. Then you think about the best case scenario, and you go, ‘WOW! That’s worth it!' Just try.”
“I think it’s just being conscious of that little voice, that intuition. Even at this moment, we think, I know what she’s talking about, that voice. Some of you may have never even thought about it, it’s just kind of that thing that happens. And so now that you can think about it, next time that little voice talks to me, I want to be conscious of it and just do it. Don’t even think about it. Ok, I’m going for a walk, let’s go!”
What does it mean to be a Vibrant Happy Woman?
“Listening to that voice: INTUITION. I’m at my happiest and most vibrant when I listen to that little voice and not let myself think about it. I just do what I know that I know deep down is going to make me happy.”
A Challenge from Lauren:
“Do something right now what scares you a little bit – don’t procrastinate… just go. I would challenge you to just do it.”
Links From This Episode:
- https://www.handelgroup.com/
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- Maybe It’s You: Cut the Crap, Face Your Fears, Love Your Life
- Looking for an easy way to get started with coaching in the New Year? The FREE Current Reality Quiz is a quick and fun coaching tool. Use it to self-assess and get a better idea of which areas of your life to work on: handelgroup.com/crq
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About jen
Jen Riday is a mom of 6 and life coach who loves to help women experience massive happiness as they let go of stress, sadness or other chronic emotions of negativity.

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